I work for a non-profit. I have a mortgage and lots of bills. But I manage to get by every month. I'm doing ok. I've been really frugal this winter and haven't went shopping once. NOT ONCE!
So this weekend I decided to treat myself and go buy some new clothes so I don't look like such a sloppy mess all of the time. So Saturday morning I went and got quite a few things on sale. I didn't buy anything full price, but I did spend a chunk of change.
I get home from shopping, throw my bags down, and check my mail. Ta-da, it's my gas bill. Um... it's the largest gas bill I've ever seen. $300!?!?! What? I'm pissed and I immediately turn down the heat and stomp around my house looking for ways to better insulate everything. This is what I get for wanting a cute old house that turned out to be drafty as Hell.
Later in the day I'm walking my dog and she starts blowing horrible, hideous, disgusting, yellow-green, thick mucus out of her nose. She follows this up with strange coughing/choking noises. Uh, not good. I make a vet appointment for Sunday.
Let's just say that Saturday was a horrible night and leave the details for another post.
Sunday, the vet tells me that Bella has pneumonia. She is put on an IV and spends all of Sunday and Monday getting meds pumped into her. I pay about $500 for Bella's life.
So, there goes almost an entire paycheck in one weekend and I still have new bills coming in daily. Please no one ask me to do anything this month because I'll be living off stale old crackers and driving as little as possible to conserve gas.
Damn it.
Oh no! Poor Bella :( I hope everything is going better. I'm calling you tonight.